
Autauga County Firefighters Association

About Us:

We are 10 volunteer fire departments that provide emergency services in Autauga County. We have over 200 operational volunteers participating in every aspect of emergency services: from Command Officer to Department Treasurer. No matter what our role, we all share one desire: to contribute to one of the best fire and rescue systems in the country and to make a difference in the communities we serve.


We envision a fire service focused on the safety of its members and those they serve. We envision a fire service based on innovation, cooperation and mutual respect. We strive to create a fire service that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve and exceeds expectations of the citizens who depend on us.


• Proactive leadership carried out in a cooperative, informed and progressive manner.

• Supportive relationships that foster honesty and trust among current and potential members.

• Positive, productive relationships with allied agencies and associations.

• Exemplary ethical and professional standards in everyday performance.

• Using new technology, safe practices and proper codes and standards to increase the safety of our members and the citizens they serve.

• Effective public education on what to do before, during and after an emergency in order to protect lives, homes and businesses from fire.

• Diversity among our membership and the fire service.


100 Marbury FD
200 Pentecost FD
300 Booth FD
400 Jones FD
500 Autaugaville FD
600 Billingsley FD
700 Pine Level FD
800 White City FD
900 Independence FD
1100 Old Kingston FD
1200 Autauga County Rescue Squad
Chaplain 1

Our associate members include: Alabama Forestry Commission, Autauga County EMA

Find Us: 2226 HWY 14 W, Autaugaville, AL, 36003

Prattville City Fest

Come see us at Prattville City Fest and see how you can join a department in Autauga County.